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Friends of White's Woods Archives

Over the past twenty-five years, the White Township Board of Supervisors has tried to timber White's Woods Nature on three separate occasions (1995, 2007-8, and 2020-present). Each time, a group of citizens has banded together to stop the project. Here are documents associated with our efforts to preserve White's Woods for future generations. 


Management Plans

     December 26, 2023, Draft White's Woods Stewardship Plan

1995, 2007, and 2020 Management Plans


Reference Documents

Public Input to the 2023 Draft White's Woods Stewardship Plan

Charts Depicting Public Input

Key External Documents

Public Input about White's Woods 1974-present

Public Input about White's Woods 1995-2022

FWW WWNC Current Value & Future Care Updated Management Recommendations


Current Issue Archive Documents*​


   *   More Current Issue information 


2022-23 White Township Stewardship Subcommittee Meeting Recordings


1995 and 2007 Efforts


Board of Supervisors Meeting Recordings




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